About me

Task 1

There are many jobs in the creative media industry and there are 3 that have caught my attention.


The Lowdown

This is what I hope I can be in the end. I really want to make films and make my thoughts and visions become reality. To be a director you need exceptional artistic vision and creative skills and a deep passion for film-making you need to be able to make good decisions and work well under pressure. Your job as the director is to be the driving creative force in a films production – visualising and defining the style and structure of the film then bringing it to life. You must carry out duties such as casting, script editing, shot composition and editing. Directors sometimes write their own script, or they may be hired after an early draft of the script is complete. They also manage the technical aspects of the film including camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments. During post production Directors work closer with editors to reach the final cut of the film and visualise their dream. You also have to deal and find a way around certain problems that might occur during films for example a piece of equipment will get stuck in traffic while being brought to set or an actor showing up late etc etc.

Skills and Qualifications

You don’t need any formal qualifications to become a director There are numerous training courses and reference books on directing and studying the art and craft of directing is important. However, it all comes down to practical experience so writing your own screenplay, directing your own short film. These are small steps buy at least you get experience.


The Lowdown

being good at Planning, creating and realising the dance or movement design concept for Directors, Producers and Designer. Training Dancers and Actors in dance routines and movement Choreographers work with Directors, Producers, Designers and other members of the production team to plan, create and realise the dance or fight scenes. They work with trained dancers and with Actors to teach them the required steps and routines, and to make sure that continuity is maintained throughout productions.

Key figures

Jeff Imada has been a long-time mainstay in Hollywood, and his fight choreography work shows mastery in putting together fight scenes in a diverse array of styles. A partial filmography includes:

The Bourne series with Matt Damon



Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn

Total Recall

The Crow

Jackie Chan choreographs most of his own films. Bruce Lee did all his own choreography, too.

Skills and Qualifications

You will need to be a qualified dancer. You can take courses at specialist schools from the age of ten. You can train full-time from age 16. You also need experience in the film industry.


The Lowdown

The actor’s job is to bring the writers, and directors dream to life and realise their vision they must embody the characters and their thoughts and really make them into a real person. A lot of people are blind and don’t really see how hard it is to sometimes act they think it’s easy to act all you must do is pretend, and you are acting the difference between acting and pretending is that when you are acting you must pretend to be a whole different person and think and convey their reaction and what they feel during a certain scene. Some roles require more extensive research and some actors even go as far as to become the characters and live how they lived and be the exact same as them and adopt their personality.

Key Figures

Robert Downey JR – Famous for his portrayal as Iron Man he has embodied the character and brought smiles to people all around the world and in 2017 he was the highest paid male actor.

Dwayne Johnson – The once WWE wrestler has made a name for himself as the man who stars in countless blockbuster movies and just being the big strong guy that beats everyone up.

Clint Eastwood – Known for staring in the good the bad and the ugly and directing his own movies Clint Eastwood is known throughout Hollywood as one of the meanest looking guys around and who has amazing talent.


Task 2

Year 1 – I am currently studying Creative media production level 3 btec I would like to finish this year with a distinction and get the highest grade possible throughout this year I will try and learn new skills and try to build on skills I’ve already managed to learn and try to improve them as much as possible. If I achieve a distinction it will allow me to enter the industry and enter a good university which will allow me to pursue a career in film much easier.

Year 2 – Go university and try to take in as much information as possible. Which I could apply and use in the future and use that to further improve my skills and hopefully try and get an internship/part time job at BBC or ITV

Year 3 – hopefully still at university and learning new stuff by that time I hope I’ve gained a bit of experience in the film industry and made a couple of good short films I want to hopefully start writing scripts as well and giving them to companies and certain people hopefully there could be a small chance of it being noticed.

Year 4 – hopefully I’m still at university if not I’m in London and I’ve got a job to do with the film industry and I’ve hopefully made a few friends in the business.

Year 5 – still gaining experience in the industry and living in London I’m going to keep writing scripts and handing them out to people who work in the industry hoping somebody gives it a chance and I could get a shot at actually becoming a part of the industry.

Ibrahim Abbasi

Address: 86 Lower York St, Wakefield, WF1 3NA

Email: abbasiibrahim74@gmail.com

Mobile: 07464248907


Personal Profile:

My personal aim is to become a professional in a media environment. I am a confident individual with great interpersonal, communication skills. Retail profession is of great interest to me as I am great with dealing with different kinds of people and come with a bubbly outgoing personality. Learning new things interests me and I understand that to keep up with the latest developments in any field you have to continue studying and learning throughout your career which I know I’m capable of. Retail professions are rapidly changing and have an exciting future which I would very much like to be a part of.




                      2012-2017     Outwood Grange Academy

GCSEs:                Maths: C

English Language: C

Art and Design: C

Science: C

Additional Science: C


Currently studying at Wakefield College – Level 3 Media Film


Hobbies & Interests:

In my spare time I enjoy reading, socialising with my family and friends. I also have a passion for filming and editing short films and I interact with people all over the word with my passion for gaming, I also have an interest for watching different types of films.


Additional Information:

  • I am reliable, trustworthy and a well organised person.
  • During my time at Outwood Grange Academy I have been part of the school rugby and rounders team, this involved going to other schools and playing against them.
  • I have admirable I.C.T. skills.
  • I can operate new systems as I have a passion in media, such as: Adobe Premier CC & Sony Vegas.
  • I can speak English, Urdu, and Punjabi.

I am very enthusiastic and eager to try new things. I very much enjoy training and would take up any training offered to me.