Ibrahim Abbasi – Slasher Genre

The slasher genre The slasher genre is a sub-genre that reached its prominence in the 1970s and early 80s with films like chainsaw massacre, Halloween and Friday the 13th but psycho a movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock that made its way into cinemas on September 15th 1960 is arguably what paved the way for the slasher movie. It was the first time in Hollywood that “the monster” was not of fantasy or supernatural origin it was in fact Norman bates. Personally I think that making the killer a human is a great choice as you have a face to be cautious of and afraid of so whenever he’s on screen you know it is going to be tense and somebody’s going to die. The hero/protagonist is usually female and a virgin and will not take part in “sinful” behaviour with her friends. Almost all the time the female will start off as weak and shy but as it goes on and she over comes certain obstacles she becomes stronger and more in control. The killer/antagonist and the face is usually hidden behind a mask, clever lighting or facial disfigurement. Most of the time the killer has been traumatised in his past and that is what leads up to his actions. They usually have superhuman strength and appear to be indestructible but in the end the antagonist somehow finds a way to kill him. The victims are usually young, attractive, indulge in “sinful” behaviour, and engage in sex and taking drugs basically the teen stereotype. The adults don’t usually see the bigger picture and the ones that know the truth are typically seen as crazy. The slasher movies often focuses on gruesome deaths and violence rather than character development which is good for these series as this is what people normally expect. The setting is normally in an isolated area at night normally in a camp or cabin and the killer may have a like to the area which can also be a motive. There is quite a lot of tracking shots in horror/thriller movies as it creates an uneasy feeling and certain expectations for the audience and sometimes they use handheld so it is a little uncomfortable and when done right it can be great but if used to much the audience can find it quite annoying and get tired of it pretty fast. What the audience response most directors of scary movies are looking for are fear, anxiety, adrenaline and suspense If the audience do not feel any of this then you have made a bad slasher movie. Scream Scream hit cinemas in 2nd May 1997 and directed by Wes craven and is another movie that changed the slasher genre as it addressed the similarities of all the slasher movies and used them for a comedic effect sometimes. Another thing is that there is low key lighting when ghost face attacks giving an uneasy feeling to the audience. Usually there is an opening shot of a house and a slow pan downwards showing that the house is isolated and when the killer is chasing after them there’s usually fast pace editing and loud music. The setting is a small suburban town, high school and a large isolated house. What usually happens is that characters become isolated and killed off one by in a very gruesome way with a lot of blood and at the end the killer is killed by the final girl. Scream is a horror/comedy and uses the stereotypical slasher moments as comedic effect like hiow the final girl is a virgin and how the killer when he is knocked out comes back for one final scare. The audience is supposed to feel suspense fear and rewarded by the references in the film to other typical slashers. Cabin in the woods The movie starts off with all the teens laughing and having a great time and it is sunny and loads of light giving the audience a refreshing feel but once they make it to the cabin it turns to low-key lighting and that is when the audience know that the horror is about to begin and feel a sense of uncertainty. There is fast pace editing leading up to the climax like any other slasher movies. There is usually a high angle shot of the cabin and characters showing how isolated they are. In typical slasher fashion there is a cabin and a lake. But what is especially great about this movie is that it explains all the silly choices the characters make like splitting up to “cover more ground” but start being picked off one by one like when somebody picks up a perfectly working weapon drop it for no reason right after killing it. The bimbo is killed after the “money shot” which is similar to Halloween. And we assume that one of the characters in the movie (Marty) is dead but we don’t see him die it happens off screen and that almost always means that they are not actually dead and they could return. This film acts like more of a social commentary. The cabin in the woods is slightly different as it uses the stereotypical characters (athlete, nerd, hot girl and the virgin) to drive the story They are actually important and not killed because the killer wants this time they are actually killed for a reason in the end we find out that their deaths actually mean something. The cabin in the woods is kind of like one huge metaphor one of the is government control taking over people’s lives another is one less obvious the “gods” in the movie represent the audience when they get angered when you do something different in the slasher genre you do something unexpected.

Job roles within creative media industry

There are many jobs in the creative media industry and there are 3 that have caught my attention.


The Lowdown

This is what i hope i can be in the end. I really wanna make films and make my thoughts and visions become reality. To be a director you need exceptional artistic vision and creative skills and a deep passion for film-making you need to be able to make good decisions and work well under pressure.

What does a Director do

Your job as the director is to be the driving creative force in a films production – visualising and defining the style and structure of the film then bringing it to life. You must carry out duties such as casting, script editing, shot composition and editing. Directors sometimes write their own script or they may be hired after an early draft of the script is complete. They also manage the technical aspects of the film including  camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments. During post production Directors work closer with editors to reach the final cut of the film and visualise their dream.

Skills and Qualifications

You don’t need any formal qualifications to become a director There are numerous training courses and reference books on directing and studying the art and craft of directing is important. However it all comes down to practical experience so writing your own screenplay, directing your own short film. These are small steps buy at least you get experience.


The Lowdown

being good at Planning, creating and realising the dance or movement design concept for Directors, Producers and Designer. Training Dancers and Actors in dance routines and movement

What does a choreographer do

Choreographers work with Directors, Producers, Designers and other members of the production team to plan, create and realise the dance or movement design concept. They work with trained dancers and with Actors to teach them the required steps and routines, and to ensure that continuity is maintained throughout productions.

Interactive video pre production

Character List

  1. Ibrahim Abbasi
  2. Bad guy 1 & 2

Props & equipment list

  1. FBI wallet
  2. Plank of wood

Location & Risk Assessment

  1. The deeds building was abandoned for some time but it is now being renovated but because it was abandoned for so long it did start to fall apart and that does cause quite a concern so I do tell everyone to be careful and watch what they are doing because they are pieces of metal on the ground that you can trip over and there is dust everywhere so if they have asthma.

Shooting schedule

  1. We shot the first script on 12th March
  2. We shot the second script on the 28th March

Call Sheets

  1. Tommy Ramsdon need him on 12th and 28th of March (message him on snapchat)
  2. James Morgan (message him on snapchat)
  3. Jakob Dadd (message him on snapchat and phone number 07387 0856110)
  4. Aaron Flockton (message him on snapchat)
  5. Ewan Moorfield need on 28th of March (message him on snapchat)

Genre Short Film Evaluation

This is my short film. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AFltHKeWDY

The film is just 2 minutes and what happens in it is that 2 detectives find the serial killer and they are gonna arrest him but a brawl breaks out and both cops end up being beaten and killed.Capture I took inspiration from older detective noir films and decided honour them and made the whole film black and white.Capture 2 This was a direct reference to the movie Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock 1960 (example of the scene below) and how he concealed the murderer with clever lighting I did the same thing but I also added several effects so I kind of look like a silhouette you can’t see any part of my face in that scene.Phyco